Assistive Prod-Household Task (0123)

NDIS Registration Group 0123, officially known as "Assistive Prod-Household Task," is a category designed to cover a wide range of assistive products and services that help NDIS participants perform essential household tasks. These tasks can include cleaning, cooking, gardening, and other activities that are vital for maintaining a safe and healthy living environment.

Services and Products Under NDIS Registration Group 0123

Disability Home Support

This category includes support workers who can assist with various household tasks, such as cleaning, organizing, meal preparation, and laundry. Personal assistance providers can be of great help to participants who find it challenging to maintain their homes on their own.

Under this category, participants can access various assistive devices and equipment that are specifically designed to make household tasks more accessible. This can include mobility aids, adaptive kitchen tools, gardening aids, and more.

Sometimes, participants may require modifications to their homes to improve accessibility. This could involve changes to entrances, kitchens, bathrooms, or other areas to ensure that they can perform household tasks with ease and safety.

Who Can Benefit from NDIS Registration Group 0123?

This registration group is designed for NDIS participants who require assistance with household tasks due to their disability. Participants who have difficulty performing these tasks independently or with minimal support can access services and products within this category to help them live more comfortably and safely in their homes.

How to Access NDIS Registration Group 0123

To access services and products under NDIS Registration Group 0123, individuals need to be NDIS participants and have their plans incorporate support in this category. The process typically involves working with NDIS planners and providers to identify the specific needs related to household tasks and determining the appropriate support and equipment.

Benefits of NDIS Registration Group 0123


This registration group empowers NDIS participants to live independently and manage household tasks, enhancing their quality of life.


By providing support and assistive devices, this category helps create a safer home environment for individuals with disabilities.

Choice and Control

NDIS participants have the freedom to choose the services and products that best suit their needs, allowing for a more personalised approach to support.

Sympa Care's NDIS Registration Group 0123

Sympa Care, your trusted NDIS service provider, understands the vital role of NDIS Registration Group 0123 - Assistive Prod-Household Task in enhancing the lives of participants. We offer tailored support and essential tools to empower individuals with disabilities, ensuring greater independence and safety at home, ultimately elevating their overall quality of life. If you or your loved one is an NDIS participant seeking assistance with household tasks, explore how Sympa Care can help you lead a more fulfilling and independent life.

Why Choose SympaCare for NDIS Registration Group 0123 - Assistive Prod-Household Task?

Disability Service Providers

Sympa Care is a trusted NDIS service provider with a strong focus on NDIS Registration Group 0123. Our team is well-versed in the unique needs and challenges of individuals with disabilities, ensuring that we deliver targeted and effective support.

We understand that every individual is unique. Sympa Care takes a personalised approach to tailor services and assistive tools to the specific requirements of each NDIS participant, promoting their independence and well-being.

Our goal is to empower NDIS participants to lead more independent lives. We offer a range of services and assistive devices that enable individuals to manage household tasks with confidence, promoting self-reliance.

Safety is paramount in every home. Sympa Care's services and products under NDIS Group 0123 are designed to create a safe and secure living environment, allowing participants to carry out daily tasks with reduced risk.

By addressing the fundamental aspects of daily living, Sympa Care contributes to an enhanced overall quality of life for NDIS participants. We aim to make daily routines more manageable and enjoyable.

Our team is committed to providing compassionate care and support. We understand the challenges individuals with disabilities face and are here to offer empathy and assistance throughout their NDIS journey.

Sympa Care strives to make NDIS services accessible and convenient. We work closely with participants and their families, guiding them through the process and ensuring they have access to the right services and products when they need them.

Clear and transparent communication is key to building trust. Sympa Care values open and honest dialogue with NDIS participants and their families, ensuring they are informed and involved in decision-making.

With a history of successfully supporting NDIS participants in NDIS Registration Group 0123, Sympa Care has built a solid reputation for delivering quality services and products that make a real difference in the lives of those we serve.

Sympa Care's commitment goes beyond providing services; we aim to empower NDIS participants to take control of their lives, fostering a sense of self-worth and self-sufficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - NDIS Registration Group 0123 - Assistive Prod-Household Task

NDIS Registration Group 0123, "Assistive Prod-Household Task," covers a range of services and products aimed at assisting individuals with disabilities in managing essential household tasks.

NDIS participants who have a disability that affects their ability to perform household tasks can access services under this group. Eligibility is determined through the NDIS planning process.

Services may include personal assistance for household tasks, provision of assistive devices, and home modifications to improve accessibility and safety within the home.

To access these services, you need to be an NDIS participant, and your NDIS plan must include support in this category. You can then work with NDIS planners and approved providers to arrange the necessary assistance.

Assistive products can vary based on individual needs but may include mobility aids, adaptive kitchen tools, gardening aids, and other devices to make household tasks more accessible.

Yes, NDIS participants have the freedom to choose their preferred service providers, including those who offer services under Group 0123. It's essential to find a provider that aligns with your needs and preferences.

Home modifications are typically arranged through an NDIS service provider. Discuss your specific needs with your chosen provider, and they will guide you through the process of assessing, planning, and implementing necessary modifications.

NDIS participants may receive financial support for services and products under this group as part of their NDIS plan. The funding is based on individual needs and goals.

Yes, services within this group are designed to be personalised. NDIS participants work with their service providers to create a plan that addresses their unique requirements and goals.

NDIS Group 0123 aims to enhance the quality of life by promoting independence, safety, and well-being. It assists individuals in managing essential household tasks, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and self-sufficient lifestyle.

Independent disability services


We welcome the possibility to review just how Sympa Care can assist you live the life you desire.


The costs you pay depend upon the solutions and support you choose and also reflect those allocated by the funding firm (NDIS). We will certainly discuss an individual arrangement, tailored to fulfil your special needs. There are no surprise charges, and we provide a simple to follow approval and settlement process, with month-to-month statements.

Independent disability services
Disability Service Providers

Sympa Care

Explore our Disability Home Support services

Sympa Care is an NDIS  disability home support service provider. It is an ambitious organisation towards our goal of allowing people with disabilities to live independently in the community.

Personal support

Are you looking for personal support? Sympa Care connects you with care and support workers in your community who are trained to provide personal care. You can find trusted care and support workers near you.

Domestic support

Are you looking for domestic support? Sympa Care connects you with care and support workers in your community. You can find trusted care and support workers near you.

Support coordination

Do you want someone to organise your support? Sympa Care helps coordinate your needs with other professionals such as doctors, school principals, consultants, case managers etc., who are involved in your life or that of a loved one. You'll get professional advice from people who know what's best for you.

Community access

Do you want to be part of a community? Sympa Care connects you to a network of individuals, groups, organisations and agencies which provide information, education or advocacy on disability issues or offer opportunities for social interaction.

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