Communications and Info Equipment (0124)

NDIS Registration Group "0124 - Communications and Information Equipment" is a specialised category within the NDIS that focuses on providing essential assistive technologies and equipment to NDIS participants with disabilities. This registration group is designed to improve communication, enhance information access, and foster greater independence and inclusion for individuals with disabilities.

Key Services and Supports

Disability Home Support

AAC devices, such as speech-generating devices and communication apps, enable individuals with communication impairments to express themselves effectively. NDIS participants under this registration group can access AAC solutions tailored to their unique needs.

For individuals with hearing impairments, assistive listening devices like hearing aids, cochlear implants, and FM systems can significantly improve their ability to engage in conversations and access information.

This category includes equipment like Braille displays, embossers, and tactile graphics that enhance the accessibility of written content for individuals with visual impairments.

Accessible computers, screen readers, screen magnification software, and other adaptive technology solutions empower people with disabilities to access digital information and navigate online resources independently.

NDIS participants can benefit from specialised software and applications that assist with speech and language development, as well as text-to-speech and speech-to-text applications that facilitate communication.

These devices are tailored to meet the needs of individuals with physical disabilities and help them operate computers and other electronic devices effectively.

This covers the ongoing maintenance and repair of communication and information equipment, ensuring that NDIS participants continue to have access to their vital devices.

Eligibility for NDIS Registration Group 0124

To access the services and supports provided under NDIS Registration Group "0124 - Communications and Information Equipment," individuals must meet the eligibility criteria outlined by the NDIS. Typically, eligibility is determined based on the participant's disability and its impact on their communication and information access needs.

Benefits for NDIS Participants

Participating in this registration group can bring about significant improvements in the lives of individuals with disabilities

Enhanced Communication

NDIS participants can communicate more effectively with their loved ones, caregivers, and the community, fostering better relationships and reducing isolation.

Greater Independence

Access to specialised communication and information equipment empowers individuals with disabilities to perform daily tasks, access information, and pursue education or employment opportunities with greater independence.

Improved Quality of Life

By providing the tools and resources necessary for effective communication and information access, this registration group contributes to an improved quality of life for NDIS participants.

Inclusion and Participation

NDIS participants can actively engage in social and community activities, breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity.

Sympa Care's NDIS Services for Communication & Information Access

At Sympa Care, a trusted NDIS service provider, we recognise the vital role of NDIS Registration Group '0124 - Communications and Information Equipment' in transforming the lives of individuals with disabilities. Our dedicated support grants NDIS participants access to crucial assistive technologies, breaking down communication and information access barriers, and nurturing greater independence and inclusion. It exemplifies NDIS's unwavering commitment to enhancing the well-being and equality of individuals with disabilities.

Why Choose Sympa Care for NDIS Registration Group 0124 - Communications & Information Equipment

Disability Service Providers

Sympa Care is a trusted NDIS service provider with extensive experience in supporting NDIS participants under Group 0124. Our team is dedicated to understanding the unique needs of individuals with disabilities and providing tailored solutions for enhanced communication and information access.

We offer a comprehensive range of services and supports within NDIS Registration Group 0124, ensuring that NDIS participants have access to the latest assistive technologies and equipment that can significantly improve their quality of life.

At Sympa Care, we believe in a person-centered approach. We work closely with NDIS participants to assess their specific requirements and preferences, ensuring that the solutions we provide align with their goals and aspirations.

Our commitment to quality assurance means that NDIS participants can trust Sympa Care for reliable, high-quality equipment and services. We ensure that the equipment remains in optimal condition and offer timely maintenance and support.

Beyond just providing equipment, Sympa Care focuses on the holistic well-being of NDIS participants. We understand that effective communication and information access are integral to overall independence and participation in society.

Our team comprises caring and compassionate professionals who genuinely care about the well-being of NDIS participants. We are here to listen, support, and guide individuals and their families through the NDIS journey.

Sympa Care shares the NDIS's commitment to inclusivity and equality for individuals with disabilities. We see the potential in every person and aim to empower them to live life to the fullest.

We operate with transparency and accountability, ensuring that NDIS participants and their families are well-informed about the services, costs, and any changes in their NDIS plans.

Our track record is a testament to our ability to facilitate positive outcomes for NDIS participants. We take pride in witnessing the increased independence and participation of those we support.

Sympa Care is deeply engaged with the disability community. We actively participate in advocacy, awareness, and education initiatives to promote a more inclusive society.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for NDIS Registration Group 0124 - Communications and Information Equipment

Registration Group 0124 is a category within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) that focuses on providing assistive technologies and equipment to individuals with disabilities to improve communication and access to information.

To access services in Group 0124, you need to be a registered NDIS participant. Your NDIS plan should include funding for communication and information equipment. Contact your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator to discuss your specific needs.

This registration group covers a wide range of equipment, including augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, assistive listening devices, Braille and tactile aids, accessible information technology, communication software, alternative keyboards, and more.

Yes, NDIS participants have the flexibility to choose the equipment and service providers that best meet their needs. Sympa Care is a reputable NDIS service provider offering services under this group.

Eligibility is determined based on the impact of your disability on communication and information access. It's essential to discuss your specific needs with your NDIS planner during your planning meeting.

The costs may vary depending on the specific equipment and services you require. Your NDIS plan will outline the funding allocated for Group 0124. Sympa Care can assist in understanding the costs associated with your chosen equipment and services.

Yes, NDIS Group 0124 also covers equipment maintenance and support. Sympa Care ensures that the equipment remains in optimal condition and provides timely maintenance as needed.

Yes, you can upgrade your equipment when your needs change. Contact your NDIS planner to discuss any necessary modifications or upgrades to your equipment and services.

Group 0124 services can empower individuals with disabilities to communicate more effectively, gain greater independence, access information, participate in education and employment, and improve their overall quality of life.

To begin your journey with Sympa Care, contact us for an initial assessment. Our team will work closely with you to understand your needs and guide you through the process of accessing equipment and services under Group 0124.

Independent disability services


We welcome the possibility to review just how Sympa Care can assist you live the life you desire.


The costs you pay depend upon the solutions and support you choose and also reflect those allocated by the funding firm (NDIS). We will certainly discuss an individual arrangement, tailored to fulfil your special needs. There are no surprise charges, and we provide a simple to follow approval and settlement process, with month-to-month statements.

Independent disability services
Disability Service Providers

Sympa Care

Explore our Disability Home Support services

Sympa Care is an NDIS  disability home support service provider. It is an ambitious organisation towards our goal of allowing people with disabilities to live independently in the community.

Personal support

Are you looking for personal support? Sympa Care connects you with care and support workers in your community who are trained to provide personal care. You can find trusted care and support workers near you.

Domestic support

Are you looking for domestic support? Sympa Care connects you with care and support workers in your community. You can find trusted care and support workers near you.

Support coordination

Do you want someone to organise your support? Sympa Care helps coordinate your needs with other professionals such as doctors, school principals, consultants, case managers etc., who are involved in your life or that of a loved one. You'll get professional advice from people who know what's best for you.

Community access

Do you want to be part of a community? Sympa Care connects you to a network of individuals, groups, organisations and agencies which provide information, education or advocacy on disability issues or offer opportunities for social interaction.

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