National disability insurance scheme (NDIS)

Sympa Care is an NDIS Home Care Providers. We provide a range of disability care and support services to help people with a disability live the life they want. We take pride in listening to your needs and delivering an individualised response. We work towards creating a safe, secure environment that allows you to be as independent as possible.

Find out the NDIS Sleepover Rate, NDIS Overnight Rate, NDIS in-Home Support services and NDIS Home Care Providers. Read more here.

Independent disability services

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) gives people with disabilities more choice and control.The NDIS can provide all people with disabilities with information and connections to services in their communities.

Sympa is an approved NDIS provider helping people in Melbourne, Victoria.
You can use your NDIS funding to pay for our support solutions. With the knowledge that we operate in agreement with the standards for NDIS in-home support providers identified by the Quality and Safeguards Commission.

As registered NDIS Home Care Providers, we do things the right way and we're continually improving everything we do to meet the changing needs of people with disabilities.

We understand the NDIS and we can help you guide and use the NDIS to access the support you need to live the life you want.

NDIS Home Care Providers

Comprehending the NDIS

The NDIS provides funding for support and services for people with disabilities. Rather than providing funding to agencies and community organisations, the NDIS gives funding directly to people with a disability.

If you're qualified for NDIS funding, you can use it to pay for the supports you need to live your life and:

Seek your objectives and also desires.

Boost your self-reliance.

Rise social and also economic engagement

Develop your capacity to actively participate in the community.

This can consist of education, work, community involvement, living plans, also health and wellbeing support services.

Eligibility for NDIS funding.

To be eligible for the NDIS in-home support you must be under the age of 65 and living with a disability that means you need support to live your life and engage in the community.

Independent disability services
Disability Service Providers

Sympa Care

Explore our services

Sympa Care is an NDIS  disability care support service provider. It is an ambitious organisation towards our goal of allowing people with disabilities to live independently in the community.

Personal support

Are you looking for personal support? Sympa Care connects you with care and support workers in your community who are trained to provide personal care. You can find trusted care and support workers near you.

Domestic support

Are you looking for domestic support? Sympa Care connects you with care and support workers in your community. You can find trusted care and support workers near you.

Support coordination

Do you want someone to organise your support? Sympa Care helps coordinate your needs with other professionals such as doctors, school principals, consultants, case managers etc., who are involved in your life or that of a loved one. You'll get professional advice from people who know what's best for you.

Community access

Do you want to be part of a community? Sympa Care connects you to a network of individuals, groups, organisations and agencies which provide information, education or advocacy on disability issues or offer opportunities for social interaction.

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