Facts you should know about Melbourne Disability services

Disability Service Providers

Disability service providers in Melbourne are helping thousands of individuals to lead an independent life and associate with their communities effectively as well as provide them with emotional, physical and mental support so they can carry out their personal and professional tasks with confidence and enthusiasm.

Melbourne disability services are provided by independent disability service providers who work as per the guidelines laid out by the National Disability Services (NDS). There is also the NDIS a.k.a National Disability Insurance scheme which provides approximately $20 billion worth of funding to an estimated 5,00,000 Australians who have permanent and significant disability.

Disability support coordination extended by these service providers includes:

  1. Information and connection to various services.
  2. Connection with local communities
  3. Providing resource of nearby doctors, support groups, libraries and schools.

Here is a list of important facts with respect to Melbourne disability services:

  1. More than 6.8 million people in Australia are having some sort of disability or long-term health condition.
  2. More than 87% of the disabled people population find it difficult to complete at-least one everyday task.
  3. All service providers offering disability support coordination services must be registered with the NDIS. The NDIA a.k.a National Disability Insurance Agency as part of the NDIS provides all information and links to different disability services and activities as well as individualized plans.
  4. The main role of disability services providers is to empower people with disability and keep them informed of all developments with clarity and transparency.

For more details, visit now.

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